"W E A T H E R - BY - G I A N N E T T A"
"Charles A. Giannetta"
"Meteorologist- Professor"

"Virginia T.(Gini)Hagerman Giannetta"... "Meteorologist"
HELLO: I'm Virginia (Gini) T. Hagerman Giannetta: Meteorologist: Researcher: Photographer: I'm Charlie Giannetta: Meteorologist - Professor: Welcome to our site. Enjoy your tour. Visit Often. We are open 24 hours a day.
"Don't Smoke"..."Don't Text & Drive"..."Don't Drink & Drive"...
"The Life You Save Maybe Your Own"...

"Giannetta Meteorological Encyclopedia"

3d Print Models

This site best viewed with "Microsoft Internet Explorer".
Text Size "Smallest". Picture 1024 X 768 - 17+ inch Monitor

"When Learning" Keep A Fresh Mind" Remember...Patience...Determination"
What Ever you do: "Maximum Effort"

- Hello!! - We are: "Gini & Charlie Giannetta" "The Weather People" - Welcome To Our Site: - Always Open: "We Never Sleep" - This Site Is Updated All The Time: Visit Often: Enjoy Your tour: Thanks: Gini & Charlie G. -

If you are on "Facebook...Check me out: "Weather By Giannetta"

"N O T E"

This web site is constructed with the "STUDENT" in mind.

Enjoy Your Tour. Gini & Charlie:

WEATHER BY GIANNETTA...Giannetta. Charles. WA3RSQ. EL-NINO. Weather Magazines...Meteorology. Hurricanes. Tornadoes. Floods. Clouds. Radar. Forecasting. Thunderstorms. Lightning. Atmosphere. 69. Grand. Prix. Also WX DATA for Bath Pa.

If you like to see a video of when I worked at the
National Weather Service, Allentown-Bethlehem-Easton Airport
(ABE) Allentown, Pa. USA.
On YouTube: Click here to see the video...Thanks. Charlie Giannetta.
The Video Is About 30 Minutes...

- -

Click Here: To "View My Video On YouTube"

Video Camerman my son: Charles E. Giannetta
Editor: My Son-In-Law: John O'Neill.
Enjoy: Charlie Giannetta

This site is constructed using "Microsoft Internet Explorer".
Other Browsers can be used. Some items may load different
and not look correct! Your visit may not be as pleasurable.
I have a few othr browsers and they do not display our web site

"Weather By Giannetta"
Charles A. Giannetta
Chief Meteorologist - Professor
Virginia (Gini) T. Hagerman Giannetta

Bath, Pa. USA.

Click on the large picture to view Gini's
National Weather Station Located In Our Back Yard.

Amateur Radio Call "W A 3 R S Q"

"Amateur Extra Class"

Licensed since 1959.

Click on the large pictures to view pictures
of my amateur radio antennas and certificates.

Above picture of my "Home Brew" 40 element 6 Meter" "H Array" antenna...

Below is a Graphic of the Anntenna Pattern of my 6 Meter H-Arry...

Above Picture of my: "Tribander" 10 - 15 - 20 meter beam antenna...

Above picture of my "Home Brew" 40 element 2 Meter" "H" Array antenna...

This web site is dedicated in memory of:

"Laurie Elizabeth Giannetta"

"Twin Daughter"

"When Learning" Keep A Fresh Mind" Remember...Patience...Determination">

"Weather Counter"
Hit Counter by Digits

...Hello!! - We are: "Gini & Charlie Giannetta" "Welcome To Our Site" - "Enjoy Your Tour...Have Fun".

From the list below: Click on the topic you wish to view. Each "Graphic" is explained.
All Graphics/Charts/Maps/Articles written/designed/drawn by: Charles A. Giannetta.
All pictures taken by: Virginia (Gini) T. Hagerman Giannetta: (Meteorologist)
& Charles A. Giannetta: Meteorologist - Professor.
When viewing items from the list use your
"Back Button" to get back to the index page.

Should one of these links not work please let me know..Thanks. Charlie G.

"N O T E"

If you are a teacher or professor who teaches a "Weather"
or a "Meteorology" course you will find these items listed
togethere are a "Meteorology Course" in themselves and can
be used for your course.
I used all these and much more that are not listed here
for my "Meteorology Course"

This Is An Educational/Informative Web Site...

Choose here to see a Slide Show of 16 Weather Maps.Charlie

Choose here to see a Slide Show of 9 Weather Maps.Charlie

Click here to see 18 weather charts.
Let the page load as there are 18 charts.

From The Menus Below: Choose The Item You Wish To View.

Choose from the menue below for the current Observations for cities in Pennsylvania. Use you back button to go back.


1. Acid Rain. 2. Acre. 3. Adiabatic Lapse Rate. 4. Adiabatic Chart. 5. Adiabatic Process I. 6. Adiabatic Process II. 7. Admiral Bird Letter. 8. Advection. Warm/Cold Air. 9. Advection. Warm/Cold Air. 10. Aerovane. 11. Aircraft Components. 12. Airmasses: A/CP/CT/MT MP/TC 13. Albedo: Earth/Moon Snow/Sand. 14. Alberta Clipper. 15. Amateur Radio Antenna: My 6 Meter Home Brew. 16. Altimeter. 17. Amateur Radio Antenna: My 2 Meters Home Brew. 18. Amateur Radio Antenna: My Tribander 1. 19. Amateur Radio Antenna: My Tribander 2.. 20. Amateur Radio & Other Links. 21. Amazon River Basin. 22. Amateur Radio Page My Call Letters: W A 3 R S Q 23. Anemometer WX Vane. 24. Antarctica:Temp Coldest Place on Earth.

25. Weather Articles I Have Written.

1. Air. 2. Air Condition. 3. Adiabatic Process. 4. Atmospheric Optics. 5. Atmospheric Press. 6. Bowen Ratio. 7. Comets. 8. Deserts. 9. Earth Facts.
10. Eight Weather Maps: Explained:
Max Temp Chart: b. Surface Chart: c. Surf/Radar Chart: d. 36 Hour Prog: e. WX Dipiction: f. 850 Millibar: g. 500 Millibar: h. 300 Millibar:
11. El-Niño 12. Famous People: 13. Fall: 14. Floods. 15. Fog. 16. For Your Information. 17. Fronts. 18. Global Warming. 19. Gulf Stream. 20. Heating Deg. Days. 21. Heat Wave 22. Hurricanes. 23. Hydrologic Cycle. 24. Inertia. 25. Insects. 26. Jet Winds. 27. Latent Heat. 28. Light: The Speed Of: 29. Lightning. 30. Measuring Rainfall. 31. Models. 32. Moon: Orbit: Phases. 33. National WX Service. 34. Oceans. 35. Photosynthesis. 36. Pollution. 37. Radiation. 38. Radiosonde: Upper Air 39. Read About My life As A Young Boy. 40. Relative Humidity. 41. Rossby Waves. 42. Singularties. 43. Skin Cancer. 44. Snow: Measuring: 45. Sound. 46. Sping. 47. Space: Dimenisional. 48. Stability. 49. Sun. 50. Tstorns: 51. Tstorms: 3 Stages. 52. Tornadoes. 53. Vorticity. 54. Water In The Atmosphere. 55. Weather Lore. 56. Weather Radio. NOAA. 57. Wind. 58. Winter In The Northern Hemisphere.

26. Arctic Cyclone 27. Atmospheric Gas. 28. Atmospheric Optics. Halos...Rainbows. 29. Aurora Australis. 30. Aurora Borealis 31. Aviation Acronyms 32. Aviation Weather: VFR - IFR I. 33. Aviation Weather: VFR - IFR II 34. Aviation Weather Weather Difinitions 1. 35. Aviation Weather Weather Difinitions 2.


1. Baroclinic Atmosphere. 2. Barometer...Barograph. 3. Barometer. Mecury Bar. I Constructed. 4. Barotrophic Atmosphere. 5. Barometers I collected. 6. Barometer: Mecury: 7. Beaufort Wind Scale. Admiral Beaufort 8. Bermuda High. 9. Bergeron Process. 10. Bermuda High. 11. Blizzard Warnings. 12. Blue Jets: 13. Bow Echo. 14. Bowen Ratio. 15. British Temp. Unit. (BTU)
16. Buffalo Weather Office: Buffalo N.Y. Pictures When I Worked There.


1. Car Show...Pictures of Of My Son Charles E. Giannetta & Me At The Moore Township Car Show. 2. Ceiling Light. 3. Change Of State. 4. Climate. 5. Climate Change. 6. Clinometer. 7. Clouds Graphic. 8. Cloud Direction Movements From. 9. Clouds 1. 10. Clouds 2 11. Clouds In 3 Layers. 12. Clouds: Low: Surface TO 6,500'. Startus(ST)/Cumulus(CU) Stratocunulus(SC). 13. Clouds: Mid: 6,500 -18,000'. Altocumulus(AC) Altostratus(AS). 14. Clouds: High: 18,000 - 30,000+' Cirrus(CI) Cirrocumulus(CC) Cirrostratus (CS). 15. Clouds: Cumulonimbus. Thundercloud. Surface to 60,000+' "CB" 16. Clouds: Lenticular Clouds. 30,000+' 17. Clouds: Scud: 18. Clouds Types. 19. Clouds: Vertical: Surface to 60,000+' Towering Cumulus(TCU). Cumulonimbus(CB) 20. Cloud Seeding: 21. Comma Cloud: 22. Components Of The Earth's Atmosphere. 23. Confluence & Diffluence. 24. Conduction. 25. Contrails. 26. Contractions.Shortened word or acronyms used inplace of a word or phrase. EX. "RADAR" 27. Conversion Diversion. 28. Conversion Form Celsius To Fahrenheit Temp. Or Vis-A-Vis Calculator. 29. Conversion Inches To Millibars. 30. Conversion Tables. F. C./Miles To Knots. 31. Coriolis Effect. 32. Console: Weather: I constructed in high school. 33. Cross Section Of The Atmosphere.


1. Death Valley California, USA. Weather Conditions. 2. Days Length. 3. Degree Days. Cooling. 4. Degree Days. Heating 5. Demensional Space. 6. Dendrology. The study of trees. 7. Dew Point: Est. 8. Different Phobias 9. Doppler Effect:


1. Earth. 2. Earth Current Detector: Choose here if you like to build electronics circuts: 3. Earth's Distance. 4. Earth's Fall. 5. Earth's Magnetic Currents. 6. Earth's Speed. 7. Eclipse Of The Moon: Pictures I Took: 8. Einestine's Theory. 9. Electric Cars: 10. Electromagnatic Waves. 11. Electrons-Protons. 12. El-NIÑO. 1. 13. El-NIÑO. 2. 14. El-NIÑO. 15. Evolution Of The National Weather Service. NOAA.


1. F-Scale: Dr. Fujita: Tornados: 2. Fall: The Transition Period. 3. Fallen Tree. 4. Floods & Flash Floods. 5. Fog. 6. Fcst: Surf.... 7. Fcst: 12 Hr:.. 8. Fcst: 24 Hr:.. 9. Fcst: 36 Hr. 10. Fcst: 48 Hr.
11. Freezing Rain Forms. 12. Frequencies. Low/High VHF/UHF. 13. Frontogenesis: Frontolysis. 14. Fronts: Squall Lines. 15. Fronts 1. 16. Fronts 2. 17. Fronts: Cold Fronts 18. Fronts: Cold Air Occluded . 19. Fronts: Warm Fronts. 20. Fronts: Warm Air Occluded. 21. Fronts: Stationary. 22. Fronts: Symbols. 23. Frost. 24. Fujita Scale: Tornado.


1. "Giannetta Meteorological Society"

Virginia (Gini) Hagerman Giannetta: MeteorologistVirginia (Gini) Hagerman Giannetta's Certificate To Take Weather Observation Issued By The National Weather Service in 1986

Virginia "Gini" Hagerman Giannetta National Weather Service Cooperative Weather Observer.

2. Gini's National Weather Service Cooperative Weather Station Monthly WX Data. Jan. 2014 Feb. 2014. Mar. 2014

3. Gini's "Slide Show" Gini's National WX Service Cooperative WX Station. 4. Gini's National Weather Service Cooperative Weather Station #1. 5. Gini's National Weather Service Cooperative Weather Station #2.
6. Gini's Morning Call Newspaper Article.


7. Global Warming. 8. Global Winds & Pressure Systems: 9. Glossary. Weather: Meteorology 10. Gradient: Geostrophic Winds. 11. Grenwich Mean Time:


1. Haboob: Dust Storm: 2. Hail. 3. Halos. 4. Heat Index. 5. Heat Island. 6. Heat Wave. 7. High Pressure Ridge. 8. Hook Echo. 9. Horse Latitudes. 10. Hourly Observations For: Canada:Hawaiian Is: Pacific Islands: Alaska: Mexico England: S.Pole 11. Hourly Observations For: The 50 US. States. 12. Hurricane Irma Sept. 2017.

13. How To Construct A Sling Psychrometer.

14. How To Construct An Anemometer.

Choose from the menue below for the current Observations for cities in New York. Use you back button to go back.


14. Humidity: Sling Psychrometer WetBulb Dry Bulb Dew Point 15. Humidity. Vapor Press. Saturation Vapor Press. Calculator. 16. Hurricanes: 17. Hurricanes: My Article: 18. Hur: Andrew: 19. Hur: Agnes: 20. Hur: Camille: 21. Hur: Katrin: 22. Hur: Sandy: 23. Hurricanes: Saffir Simpson Scale 24. Hybrid Automobiles. 25. Hydrogen Cars. 26. Hydrogolic Cycle. 27. Hydrostatic Equilibium.


1. Ice: 2. Icing: Clear: 3. Icing: Mixed: 4. Icing: Rime: 5. Indian Summer. 6. Insects. 7. Inversions. 8. Inverted Trough: 9. Icing: Aircraft: Clear: Mixed: Rime: 10. Ionosphere. 11. Isallabars.


1. January World Avg. Temp. 2. January World Ave. Press.
3. Jet Winds: WWII/50-300+mph. 1 4. Jet Winds: WWII/50-300+mph. 2 5. Jet Winds Maximum. 6. Jet Winds: Panoramic. View Of The Jet Winds From Our Back Yard.
7. July World Avg. Temp. 8. July World Avg. Press.


1."K" INDEX: Thunderstorms. 2. Katabatic Winds: Cold & Dry. 3. Kelvin Temp. Scale. Absolute Zero.


1. La-Niña. 2. Lake Effect Snow 3. Land Breeze. 4. Latent Heat. Graphic 5. Letter: Tribuite To: Mr. Giannetta 6. Letter: Profile: I Of Mr. Giannetta 7. Letter: Profile: II Of Mr. Giannetta 8. List Of Libraries In The Lehigh Valley & Eastern Pa. USA. 9. Learn About Squall Lines 10. Lenticular Clouds 11. Lift. 12. Light 13. Lightning: CG/GC IC/CC. 1 14. Lightning: CG/GC IC/CC. 2 15. Lower Atmosphere 1. 16. Lower Atmosphere 2. 17. Lower Atmosphere 3. 18. Lower Atmosphere 1. 16. Low Press. Trough.


1. Max/Min Thermometers Mounted on a Towsend Support. 2. Mecury Barometer.

25. Weather Meteorological Societies & Web Sites.

1. American Met.Society: 2. Australian Met. 3. Canada WX Ser. 4. Cloud App. Society. 5. European Met. Society 6. Giannetta Met.Society 7. Hong Kong Obs. 8. Int. Met. Assn. 9. Irish Met. Society. 10. Japan Met.Agency. 11. Korean WX Ser. 12. National WX Ass. USA 13. National WX Ser. USA 14. National WX Ser. NOAA 15. Norwegian Met. Inst. 16. Pakistan Met. 17. Royal Met.Society 18. Russian Met. 19. Turkish St. Met. 20. United Kindom Met. 21. World Met. Org. 22. World Met. Org.
Meteorological Web Sites. 2 Sites
1. Weather For Italy & Europe 2. Weather For Italy & Europe 3. J & A's Weather Station On Facebook.

4. Microburst: Dry. 5. Microburst: Wet. 6. Mile. Distances 7. Mispronounced Weather Meteorological & Other Words 8. Moon Phases. 9. Monarch Butterfly. 10. Monsoon Dry. 11. Monsoon Wet. 12. Morse Code. 13. Mountain Breeze. 14. Moravian College Picture When I Taught My Meteorology Course At Moravian College Bethlehem, Pa. USA. 15. Mt. Washington, NH. USA.Temp 16. My Amateur Radio Station When We Lived In Depew, (Buffalo) N.Y.


1. National Weather Service Fcsts.7 Day Forecasts Radar/Current Weather Conditions.

Allentown, Pa. Scanton, Pa... Pittsburg, Pa. Buffalo, NY... Albany, NY....

2. National Weather Service Virginia T (Gini) Hagerman Giannetta Cooperative Observer Program Slide Show. 3. National WX Service Virginia T (Gini) Hagerman Giannetta Cooperative Observer Program. 4. National WX Service Virginia T (Gini) Hagerman Giannetta Cooperative Observer Program. 3. 5. National WX Service Virginia T (Gini) Hagerman Giannetta Cooperative Observer Program. 4. 6. National WX Service Cooperative Observer Program. 7. Newspaper Article. The Morning Call Newspaper Allentown, Pa. USA. When I worked at the National WX Service Allentown, Pa. USA. 8. "Newton's Laws" 9. NOAA: WX Radio 6. Noreaster. 10. Normals. Daily Monthly/Yearly HEating/Coling Degree Days. Precipitation Snowfall/Temp. 11. Northern/Southern Hemisphere Chart.


1. Orographic Lifting The Adiabatic Process. 2. Oscilloscope. 3. Oxygen. 4. Ozone:.... 5. Ozone: Antarctic Ozone Hole.


1. Page 2: Links Other WX sites and weather charts. Hurricane Hunters US Airforce NOAA WX Info. 2. Page 3: Links Other WX sites & WX charts. Information. 3. Page 4: Links Other WX sites & WX charts. Information. 4. Page 5: Links To Interesting & Informative WX. 5. Page 6: Famous People. 6. Page 7: Authors: Composers. Singers: Big Band Leaders: Actors 7. Pangera. 8. Panoramic View Of The Blue Mountains From Our Back Yard Looking North 9. Panoramic View Of Tstorms: Over Our House 10. Photosynthesis. 11. PH Scale.
12. Pictures Of My "1976 Cadillac Sedan DeVille dElegance".


13. Pics. of my "1976 Cadillac" at the Moorestown Auto Show, Moorestown, Pa. USA.
14. Pictures Of My Meteoroloy Class At Northampton Community College Bethlehem, Pa. USA. 15. Pics. Of Spring From Our Yard. 16. Pics. Of Summer From Our Yard. 17. Pics. Of Fall From Our Yard. 18. Pics. Of Winter From Our Yard. 19. Pictures OF A Praying Mantis. 20. Pictures of My 6 Meter & 2 Meter Homewbrew H Array Antennas 21. Pineapple Express. 22. Planetary Scale Winds. 23. Polar Vortex. 24. Poles: North South Pole WX. 25. Pollution Graphic. 26. Pollution Pictures. 27. Precipital Water. 28. Precipitation Forms. 29. Pressure. Altitude/Chnge Gradient/Tendency 30. Psychrometer.


1. Quasi-Stationary. 2. Questional Expressions.


1. Radiation. 2. Radiosounde. 3. Raingauge: 8 Inch. 4. Rainbows: Single. 5. Rainbows: Double. 6. Rainbows: Making a Rainbow with a garden hose. 7. Rainbow at Niagara Falls, NY. Gini near the falls, 8. Rainbow from our back yard. 9. Rainbow from our back yard. 10. Rainbow from a prisim. 11. Radar: Doppler Effect. 12. Radar Echoes. 13. Radar Graphic. 14. Radar: Ground Clutter. 15. Radar: Inversion: 16. Radar: Sub Refraction. 17. Radar: Super Refraction. 18. Radar: Math Problems. 19. Radar: VIP Levels. 20. Read About The Evvlution Of The National WX Service. 21. Relativity. 22. Richter Scale: Earth Quakes: 23. Rossby Waves: 24. Rotating Beam Ceilometer:

Choose from the menue below for current Observations for other cities in the USA. Use you back button to go back.


1. Santa Ana Winds. 2. Satellites. 3. Sat.- Vapor Press. 4. Scales..Beaufort Wind Scale. Saffir-Simpson Hurricanes. Tornado Scale. F-Scale Tornadoes..Rich 5. Seasons "4". 6. Sea Breeze. 7. Seconds In Time. 8. Sediment Water Filter: 9. Sensible Heat: 10. Siberian Express. 11. Six Weather Maps: Radar: 36 Hr.Prog. WX Dipiction 850mb...500mb 300mb..

12. Slide Shows Page. 17 Programs.

Slide Shows

1. Gini's WX Station. 2. When I worked at the National Weather Service. 3. Pollution Pics. 4. Winter Picture. 5. Wooly Bear Caterpillar. 6. Fall Pictures. 7. Fallen Tree Allentown, Pa. USA. 8. My 1976 Antique Cadillac. 9. Low Clds: Surface-6,500' 10. Middle Clds: 6,500-18,000' 11. High Clds: 18,000-30,000+' 12. Vertical Clds. bSurf-30,000' 13. Frost Pics. 14. Scud Clouds. 15. Lenticular Clds. 16. Sunrise Sunset Pics. 17. Glaze Pics. 18. 9 Current WX Maps. 19. 15 Current WX Maps. 20. 18 Current WX Maps.

13. Sling Psychrometer. 14. Skewt Charts. 15. Sky Conditions. 16. Snow Cover Chart. 17. Snow Intensities. 18. Snow: Lake Effect. 19. Squall Lines. 20. Spider Webs. 21. "Slide Shows" 17 Slide Shows About Weather. 22. Solar Angle. 23. Solar Electric Panels. 24. Solar Wind. 25. Solar Water Panels. 26. Sound. 27. Source Regions. 28. Specific Heat Of Water. 29. Sprites: Red. 30. Stability: Lapse Rate. 31. Standard Heights. 925mb 850/700/500/300 250/200/100mb 32. Standard Atmosphere. 33. Station Model. 34. Sun: 35. Sundogs: 36. Sunspots. 37. Sun Rays Shining Through Clouds. 38. Surface Wind Flow High To Low Pressure. 39. Sunrise Sunset Pic. 40. Sunrise Sunset Tables.


1. Table Of Contents Precipitation. 2. The Amateur WX Station 3. The Eight Inch Raingauge 4. Temperature. 5. Temp. Humidity Index. 6. Temperature Scales: F. C. K. R. 7. Theodolite: Instrument Used For Tracking Weather Balloons. 8. Terrestrial Radiation: Incoming Outgoimg. 9. The Standard Atmosphere. 10. The Sun: Moon: Earth: 11. The Wind Rose 12. The 4 Seasons. 13. The Human Ear. Effects Of The Atmosphere. 14. Thermograph: Recording. 15. Thermos Bottle. 16. Tstorms: 3 Stages: 17. Tstorms: Clusters. 18. Tstorms: Embeded. 19. Thickness Chart: 1000-500mb. 20. Tides: Normal: Spring: Neap: 21. Tiping Bucket Raingauge. 22. Tornadoe Alley. 23. Tornadoes: Funel Cloud. 24. Total Minutes Of Possible 25. Towsend Support For Mounting Max/Min Thermometers 26. Transmissometer 27. Triple Point. 28. Tropic Of Cancer. 29. Tropic Of Capricorn. 30. Tropopause 31. Typhoon: Super Typhoon. Hiayan:


1. Upper Level Low. 2. Ultra Violet Purifying Water System. 3. UV Rays.


1. Vapor Pressure. 2. Vapor Pressure: Saturation Vapor Press. 3. Valley Breeze. 4. Visibility. Meteorological Visibility: Prevailing Visibility. 5. Vip Levels. 6. Virga. 7. Volcanoes. 8. Vorticity.


1. Warm Air Occlussion Symbol. 2. Water & Time. 3. Warm Front Symbol. 4. Water In The Atmosphere. 5. Water Filters: Ultra Violet: 6. Water Filters: Sediment: 7. Water & Time: 8. Water Vapor. 9. Wave Cyclone: 10. Wave Length. 11. WX Console I constructed in high school 12. WX Balloon. 13. WX Dipiction Chart. 14. WX Glossary. Weather/Metrorology 15. Weather Instruments I Built While In High School. 16. Weather Instruments Used In Taking WX Obs. 17. Weather Insts: 28 Pics. 18. Weather Menues WX For 1000s Of Cities. 19. Weather Maps. 20. Weather Offices. National WX Service. NOAA/NHC/RFC WSFO/WSO 21. Weather Quiz. Take My 25 Question Meteorology Quiz To Test Your Knowledge Of Meteorology. 22. WX Shelter. 23. WX Systems. 24. WX Vane/Anemometer. 25. Web Cams: World Wide USA. 26. Weighing Bucket Raingauge "1" 27. Weighing Bucket Raingauge "2" 28. Weights & Measures. 29. Wet Buld Depression. 30. Why Mountain Tops Are Cold. 31. Why The Clouds Are White. 32. Why The Sky Is Blue. 33. Wind Chill Heat Index. 34. Wind Chill Index. 35. Wind Chill Index. 36. Wind Chill Index & Wind Chill Formula. 37. Wind Direction. 38. Wind Direction. Wind Sheer: Wind Shift: Wind Gust. 39. Wind Flow. High To Low Pressure. 40. Wind Information. 41. Wind Mills. 42. Wind Speeds. 43. Wind Rose. 44. Wind Speed Indicator. 45. Wind: Picture.. 46. Winds. Veering Backing. Graphic 47. Winter In The Northern Hemisphere My Article. 48. Winter Blizzard Rules. 49. Winter Weather Rules & Safety Tips. 50. Winter Weather Watch For Kids.
51. Word Search 22 WX & Meteorology Words.By: "Virginia A. Giannetta O'Neill"
52. Wooly Bear Caterpillar. 53. World Weather. 188 Countries & Thousands of Cites Throughtout the world in Alphabetical Order A to Z.

451 "Weather By Giannetta" Files
451 "ABE Clinate: 2017 - -1949


1. X Band. 2. X Rays.


1. Yard. 2. Year. 3. Yellow.


1. Zonal Flow. 2. Zulu Time.


 Charles A. Giannetta: Meteorologist-Professor

Hello: I'm Charlie Giannetta Meteorologist Professor

1. How I Became A Ham Radio.. Operator. ARS: W A 3 R S Q.. Amateur EXTRA CLASS Operate all bands. 160 thru 2 mters SSB. Licensed since 1959. 2. Read About The Author. ME. 3. Read About My Hunting..... Fishing/Camping Amateur Radio/Hiking Picking Berries Target Shooting. 4. Read About When I played.. Football At Dunmore High School Dunmore, Pa. USA. 5. View The Meteorology Book I Have Written & Produced.
6. CD-ROM Weather Disk I have Written & Produced: Titled: "Weather By Giannetta" "Giannetta Meteorological Encyclopedia" An encyclopedia about "Weather & Meteorology" on a CD-ROM DISK. The list contains 448 Graphics & Topics about: "Weather & Meteorology" which I research, designed & drew. Each "Graphic" is explained. The Weather & Meteorological topics are in alphabetical order from "A" to "Z"

7. View My Video On YouTube.. when I worked at the: National WX Service Allentown, Pa. USA. My son: Charles E. Giannetta recorded the video. My Son-In-Law John O'Neill Edited and uploaded the video To YouTube. The Video Is About 30 Min. 8. Choose here to see pics.of my amateur radio antennas and QSL Cards & certificates.

9. Picture When I Worked At The National WX Service Office Located at the: Allentown Bethlehem-Easton Airport now the Lehigh Valley Int. Airport, Allentowm Pa. USA. NWS Open House which 4,000+ people attended.
10. Read Articles That Appeared In The Morning Call Newpaper When I Worked at At The National WX Service Office Located at the: Allentown Bethlehem Easton Airport now the Lehigh Valley Int. Airport, Allentowm Pa. USA.

Gini & Charlie's Weather & Meteorology Glossary- * * Gini & Charlie's Weather & Meteorology Glossary * * - Gini & Charlie's Weather & Meteorology Glossary
Contains 2050 Weather & Meteorologolical Definitions

A |B |C |D |E |F |G |H |I |J |K |L |M |N |O |P |Q |R |S |T |U |V |W |X |Y |Z

Click on the letter of the word or definition you would like to view!
This "Glossary" constructed by: Virginia (Gini) T. Hagerman Giannetta: (Meteorologist)
Charles A. Giannetta: Meteorologist - Professor.

Have Fun!!

"Hello" We Are Gini & Charlie Giannetta
Welcome to our site.

"Hello Welcome to our site"

This "Weather By Giannetta" web site contains a wealth of
Weather & Meteorology Information: Weather Pictures:
"Weather & Meteorology Topics" from "A" to "Z".

All pictures have been taken by:
"Virginia (Gini) T. Hagerman Giannetta" Meteorologist: Researcher:
"Charles A. Giannetta" Meteorologist - Professor:
Author: Editor: Researcher: Producer:

Thank you: Enjoy...

"View My Guest Book"

powered by FreeFind Used the above search engine to search this site!

Type in a word or phrase you would like to search for.
Click on the word "F I N D"

Please let this page load as it has "15 Large Pictures of Gini's Weather Stattion." Thanks!! Charlie G.

This "Slide Show" contains 15 Pictures of Gini's Cooperative
National Weather Service Cooperative weather station located in our back yard which I installed.
Plus Some of Gini's weather instruments...Sit back and watch the "Slide Show"

The "Slide Program" will repeat.

Above "Slide Show": "Gini" taken weather observation at her
"National Weather Service Cooperative Weather Station"
located in our back which I installed. Also, a visit to the
"National Weather Service Forecast Office",
Mt. Holly, New Jersey, USA.

Be Careful!!! "Nature Is Trying To Get You All The Time!!!

Thunderstorms...Wind...Droughts...Heat Waves...Cold Waves...
Earthquakes...Tidal Waves...Tsunamis...Land Slides...
Black Ice...Freezing Rain...Freezing Drizzle...Fog & Heavy Fog...
Sleet...Pollution...UV RAYS...Can you think of more?

Comments...E-Mail: Send to: pibal515@juno.com

"Eastern Daylight Time"

- -

- "Background Sunrise Picture" Taken By:
"Virginia Gini T. Hagerman Giannetta" from our back yard

Click on the picture to see a larger view of the certificate....
Use you back button to return to main page...

 Certificate for the Giannetta Meteorological Society...Click on the picture to see a larger view. Use you back button to return to main page...

Hi All: I have uploaded a picture of a beautiful "Certificate" that you will
receive should you decide to become a member of the
"Giannetta Meteorological Society" The certificate issued
to you will have your "NAME" on it and be "Numbered" and "Dated"
with the day you joined. The certificate is suitable for printing
and framing.

For more information about the "Giannetta Meteorological Society" (GMS)
and view the "Certificate" go to this page on our
"Weather By Giannetta" web site:
"Giannetta Meteorological Society"

The "Giannetta Meteorological Society" is open for anyone that has an
interest in "Weather & Meteorology" as a hobby or profession or
as just an interest. Should you join you can send me some pictures of
weather or a weather event and I will publish them on the members
photo page.

---"Goal and Mission"---

To inhance the advancement of the "Science" of Weather and Meteorology
and bring those with the same interest together.

Should you have any questions about the
"Giannetta Meteorological Society"
you can E-Mail me at: pibal515@juno.com

Thanks....Have Fun....Gini & charlie Giannetta...Bath, Pa. USA...Hello: I'm Charlie Giannetta...Choose here to become a member of the Giannetta Meteorological Society.
The "Weather People"...:) :) :)

If you are on "Facebook...Check me out on "Facebook"

"View My Guest Book"

"Hello Welcome to our site"

- -

"We are Gini & Charlie Giannetta...Welcome to our site"

"Charles A. Giannetta"

Chief Meteorologist - Professor - Bath, Pa. USA
Amateur Radio Station - "WA3RSQ"

Hello! I'M Charlie Giannetta: Click on my picture: Watch the video and hear my message. - Click on this picture to inlarge>

"Click on the left picture: Watch the video & hear my message"

"Click on the right picture to inlarge.

From The Menues Below: Choose The City You Wish To View.

From The Menues Below: Choose The Chart You Wish To View.

This one is done...

The Correct Pronunciation is:
"Meteorologist" Not "Meterologist"

Where did the phrase: "We Meteorologists"
originate and what does it mean???

This web site contains 2000 electronic pages, (Files). 18 animations.
Hundreds of Graphics and charts on Weather Information From A to Z..
1200 pictures. 10 Wave Files. 1 Video File. 32 Weather articles I have written.
Thousands of links to other weather and related sites which includes
188 weather links to other countries
and thousands of cities throughout the world.

37+ Megs of weather & weather related information on topics from "A" to "Z"
and growing every day!!! Gini & I are constantly working on the web site.

Enjoy your tour...Gini & Charlie Giannetta.

Picture of me showing weather instruments to my Meteorology class and Northampton Community College, Bethlehem, Pa. USA.

In the above picture I am showing weather instruments to my
Meteorology Class at Northampton Community College,
Bethlehem, Pa. USA.

1. Pictures Of May Dad's Band........ Pictures Of My Dad Charles Giannetta Senior in the late 1930's and early 1940,s band.

2. More Pictures Of My Dad Playing With Different Groups. Pictures Of My Dad Charles Giannetta Senior in the late 1930's and early 1940,s band.

Picture of my Meteorology Book Weather and Meteorology I have written. The book is 550 pages with pictures...graphs...charts....weather articles. Featuring Virginia T. Hagerman Giannetta's National Weather Service Coopertivehve Cooperative Weather Station Located in our back yard I've written and produced and used to teach my Meteorology Class at: Northampton Community College, Bethlehem, Pa. USA.

Read about the "Meteorology Book" I have written.
Also, read about the: Weather CD-ROM I have written and produced.

Giannetta Meteorological Encyclopedia CD I have written...constructed and produced.
The CD contains 448 Weather Graphis and Weather Information I researched...Wrote...Drew...and Constructed. A 2050 weather word Weather & Meteorology Glossary I have written on subjects from A to Z. The CD can be used in you PC and CD Player

I also have a CD-R0M Weather Disk which can be used on
any computer.

"N O T E"

In 1992 I retired form the National Weather Service. I taught my Meteorology course 5 years at Moravian College, Bethlehem, Pa. I taught my Meteorology course at Northampron Community College, Bethlehem, Pa. USA. for 16+ years.

Weather Pictures Of The Day
Weather Picture Of The Day

The Correct Pronunciation is:
"Meteorologist" Not "Meterologist"

Where did the phrase: "We Meteorologists"
originate and what does it mean???

Caricature of me when I worked in Washington, DC. USA.


In Memory of:

* Dixie * Mickey * Daisy * Guy * Petunia *
* Angel* Mar. 18, 2013.

*JAKE* June 1, 2013....

*Shadow* Feb. 18, 2014.

*Smokey* July 2014......

Family Pets
Gone: But not forgotten!

In Memory of our pets. - -


Thank You For Visiting This Site

© 1998 - 2015 Charles A. Giannetta


WEATHER BY GIANNETTA,Giannetta,Charles,WA3RSQ,EL-NINO,Weather,Magazines,Meteorology,Hurricanes, Tornadoes,Floods,Clouds,Radar,Forecasting,Thunderstorms,Lightning,Atmosphere,69,Grand,Prix, WXDATA,Bath,Pa,USA,CD ROM,Weather,Disk,Meteorology,Graphics,Research, "Giannetta Meteorological Encyclopedia"
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