Bath, Pa,

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**Water In The Atmosphere I of II**

Water is one element in the atmosphere which occurs in all three states at one time:


In the liquid state we see water in the form of:


In the sold state:


What we don't see is water in the vapor state:


When heat is added to liquid water and the temperature is high enough, water will evaporate and change to the vapor stage, (gas).

Cool water in the liquid state to below freezing and we see it is the solid state, (snow).

The fascinating phenomena about water is that it can change from all three states in a matter of a few seconds.

Radiation from the sun shining on a lake causes water in the liquid state to evaporate into its vapor state which we cannot see. Raise the vapor high enough in the atmosphere, and it will cool and condense back into the liquid state.


If the cooling continues, the clouds will become denser, and if the temperature is above freezing, (32 degs. F.), rain may occur.

If the temperature is below 32 degs. F., snow or sleet, and in extreme cases, hail may occur.

**Within a thunderstorm is where we can find water in all three stages**

Of all the gases in the atmosphere, water is the most variable. Water vapor comprises about four percent of all the gases in the atmosphere, at its most.

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Water Continued

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