Charles A. Giannetta

"Meteorologist - Professor"

Bath, Pa.

"N O T E" All weather articles written by the author, weather records for Bath, Pa. USA, graphs, graphics, pictures, are copyrighted and are owned by the author.

If you make use of data from this site, please make reference to the: Station Licensee: Virginia T. Giannetta. Owner - Author: Charles A. Giannetta. Computer Consultant: Charles E. Giannetta & This Web Site. Thank you.

Page IV: Links To Interesting & Informative Weather Information

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Absolute Zero Acid Rain Adiabatic Air Mass Albedo Atmosphere Atmosphere Gas Beaufort Scale Bergeron Blackbody Blizzards Boreal Boyle's Law Carbon Dioxide Celsius, Anders Celsius Temp. Centrifugal Centripetal. CFC's Charles's Law. Chinook Wind Climate Data Clouds Clouds-Low Clouds-Middle Clouds-High Clouds Types Clouds-Vertical Cold Wave Comma Cloud Convection Convergence Cooling DD Coriolis Effect da Vinci Dalton's Law Dew Doldrums Doppler Effect Doppler Radar Downbursts Dropsonde Droughts Earth's Speed Easterly Wave Einstein, Albert El Chichon El-Niño Fall Floods Foehn Wind Fog Pictures Franklin, Ben Freezing Rain Fronts Frost Gas Laws Galileo Gamma Rad. Gay Lussac Geological Time Geostrophic Glaciers Global Warming Goddard Growing Season Gust front Haboob Hadley Cell Hail Greenhouse Eff. GMT - Time Hail Storms Heat Heating DD Heat Index Heat Safety Heat Wave Horse Latitudes Hubble Tel Hurricanes Humidity Hydrologic Cyc. Hyperthermia Hypothermia Ice Age Ice Pellets Icelandic Low Indian Summer Infrared Rad. Insolation Isobars Isotherms ITCZ January Thaw Jet Stream Jet Stream Pic. Katabatic Kelvin Scale Kirchhoff's Law Kites Koppen, W. La Niña Lake Effect Land Breeze Pic Lapse Rate Latent Heat Law-Reflection Length of Day Lifting Process Lightning Lgt. Det. Nets. Long Waves Low Wnd Shear McIDAS Magnetosphere Mammatus Cld Maritime Cli Maritime Polar Maritime Trop. Mauna Loa Obs. Maunder, Walter Mercurial Bar Meridional Flow Methane Microbursts Milankovitch Moon Moon Phases Mt. Pinatuabo Mt. St. Helen Mt. Washington Newton, Isaac Newton's Laws Noctilucent Clds Nor'easter Numerical Mod. Optics Orographic Ozone Ozone Hole Pangera Penumbra PH Scale Photochemical Photosphere Photosynthesis Pilot Balloon Polar Easterlies Polar Front Polar High Pollen Pollution Precipitation Precipital Water Pressure-1 Pressure-2 Press Gradient Proj. Stormfury Proverbs Psychrometer-1 Psychrometer-2 Pyranometer Radar Radar-Doppler Radiation-1 Radiation-Pics Radiosonde-1 Radiosonde Pic Eadiosonde Pic Rain-Acid Rain-Freezing Rain Shadow-1 Rain Shadow-2

© 2013 Charles A. Giannetta