Weather Glossary...WEATHER BY GIANNETTA...Giannetta. Charles. WA3RSQ. EL-NINO. Weather Magazines...Meteorology. Hurricanes. Tornadoes. Floods. Clouds. Radar. Forecasting. Thunderstorms. Lightning. Atmosphere. 69. Grand. Prix. Also WX DATA for Bath Pa.
This web site is dedicated in memory of: Laurie Elizabeth Giannetta. Twin Daughter"Weather By Giannetta"This web site is dedicated in memory of: Laurie Elizabeth Giannetta. Twin Daughter

"Charles A. Giannetta"
Meteorologist - Professor" Bath, Pa, USA.

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Have Fun!!


L Designated letter for "Light Drizle"
L- Designated letter for "Moderate Drizle"
Lake Breeze: Wind which forms over a lake and moves towards the land which developes during the day.

Land Breeze: Air (Wind) moving from the land out to sea. Begins in the late evening reaches max just before sunrise and is weaker than a Sea Breeze.
The opposite of El-NIÑO: A period of unusually low surface water temperatures in the Eastern & Central Tropical Pacific.

Latent: Means "Hidden": Hidden Heat..
Latent Heat: Heat which is absorbed or released by a substance during condensation, evaporation or sublimation.
Latent Heating: In the atmostpere, heat which is moved from one place to another due to the changes of phases of water.
1. Latent Heat Of Condensation Heat released to the atmosphere 600 calories.
2. Latent Heat Of Deposition: Heat released to the atmosphere 680 calories.
3. Latent Heat Of Evaporation: Atmosphere absorbes 600 calories.
4. Latent Heat Of Fusion: Heat released to the atmosphere 80 calories.
5. Latent Of Melting: Atmosphere absorbes 80 calories
6. Latent Of Sublimation: Atmosphere absorbes 680 calories.

Law off Reflection:The angle of incedent is equal to the angle of reflection.
LCL: Lifting condensation Level: The level at which condensation forms. (Clouds)
Lee Wave Clouds: Clouds which form donwind at the creats of a mountain wave.

Lenticular Cloud: Clouds that are extremely high and are stationary that form by air flowing over mountains.

Lenticlar cloud over our house.

Light Wind: Wind speed of 6 knots or less.
An electrical discharge produced by electrical buildup in a thunderstorm between cloud and ground or cloud to cloud which produces a brilliant flash of light.
Lightning: Dart Leader: An electrical charged ionized channel which dart from the thunderstorm cloud to the
ground after the Stepped Leader has estabilished contact with the ground.
Lightning: Stepped Leaders: Streams of electrons which move from a thunderstorm cloud towards the ground in steps of about 300 feet and produce an ionized path.
When the Stepped Leader comes within about 300 feet of the ground it is met by a charge from the ground to complete the path.



1. Lightning: About 100 people are killed each year. 2. Lightning: Blue Jets: Large dim flashes of light which appear above thunderstorms. 3. Lightning: Can come up from the ground and hit you. 4. Lightning: Can travel over power & telephone lines. 5. Lightning: Chances of being hit by ltg about 600,000 to 1. 6. Lightning: Does strike twice in the same place. 7. Lightning: Is a giant discharge of electricity. 8. Lightning: If playing outdoors/swimming/sports/golf/fishing get indoors. 9. Lightning: LDN: Lightning Detection Network. detects the radio waves produced by lightning. 10. Lightning: Red Sprites: Large dim flashes of light which appear above thunderstorms. 11. Lightning: Return stroke. Lightning arresters. 12. Lightning: Safety Rules: Do not lie down. 13. Lightning: Safety Rules: Do not stand under a tree or trees. 14. Lightning: Safety Rules: Get in a prone position. 15. Lightning: Safety: Stay away from tall trees & objects/steel fences/telephones. 16. Lightning: Sferics: Short for atmospherics. 17. Lightning: Stay in doors in your car. Stay off phone. 18. Lightning: Step leader. Dart Leader. Abt 300 feet per sec. 19. Lightning: St. Elmo's Fire: named after the patron saint 20. Lightning: Travels at the speed of 186,000 miles per second. Rumbling Causes. 21. Lightning: Types: Heat Lightning light from distance storms. 22. Lightning: Types: In Cloud (IC). Cloud to Ground (CG) 23. Lightning: Types: Sheet Lightning. 24. Lightning: Types: Streak/Ball/Fork/Cloud to Cloud (CC)

"Lightning Types"

1. Ball Lightning: Lightning that is a rare ball of electrical charged air redish in color which last for a very short duration. 2. Cloud To Air: Lightning in the air but does no reach the ground. 3. Cloud To Cloud: Lightning between clouds. 4. Cloud To Ground: Lightning between the cloud and the ground. 5. In Cloud: Lightning which occurs in the cloud. 6. Sheet Lightning: Lightning which occurs inside the clouds.

Low: An area of low pressure: Cyclonic.


"The Lower Atmosphere"

Low Drifting Snow: Snow that is blowing at a height of less the
6 feet above the ground reducing visibility below 7 miles.
Low Pressure: In low pressure the winds are "Counter-Clock-Wise" (CCW) in the Northern Hemisphere. Move inwards center seeking. "Centripetal Force".
LST: Local Standard Time.
Lunar Halo:
A ring around the Moon produced by cirrostratus clouds which consist of ice crystals

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