"N O T E"
All weather articles written by the author,
weather records for Bath, Pa. USA, graphs,
graphics, pictures, are copyrighted and are owned by the author.
**Sun Part I of II** |
1. The sun is the center of the solar system and is the basis for all
life here on earth.
**See Photosysthesis** |
2. The sun is 109 times the size of the earth, and 400 times the size
of the moon.
3. The diameter of the sun is 866,000 miles.
4. The average distance the sun is from the earth is 92,957,000 miles.
5. The sun is closest to the earth (perihelion) on or about January 3rd.,
when it is 91,402,000 miles.
6. The sun is farthest from the earth (aphelion) on or about July 4th.,
when it is 94,512,000 miles.
7. The sun emits all forms of radiation in short waves.
8. These short waves are called:
Choose here to view graphic of the Sun |
**Electromagnetic Radiation** |
9. Electro because they contain radiation with electrical properties.
10. Magnetic because they contain radiation with magnetic properties.
11. Radiation from the sun travels at the speed of light:
**186,000 mps, and takes approximately 8 minutes to reach the earth** |
12. Radiation from the sun is called:
**Insolation** |
"Sol" being Latin for Sun. About 45% is visible as sunlight. 46% infrared.
9% ultraviolet radiation
© 1998 Charles A. Giannetta