Bath, Pennsylvania - U.S.A.

Charles A. Giannetta

Meteorologist - Professor

"Don't Smoke"

"N O T E" All weather articles written by the author, weather records for Bath, Pa. USA, graphs, graphics, pictures, are copyrighted and are owned by the author.

If you make use of data from this site, please make reference to the: Station Licensee: Virginia T. Giannetta. Owner - Author: Charles A. Giannetta. Computer Consultant: Charles E. Giannetta & This Web Site. Thank you.



"First & Second Hand Smoking"

"Hello" This is Charlie Giannetta. Do yourself a favor and don't smoke!

American Cancer Society Home Page.

Smoking And Lung Cancer"

"Don't Smoke"


© 2000 - 2013 Charles A. Giannetta