FRU-ing On The MacWoW Forum

If you would like to include a picture or graphic of some sort with your message on the MacWoW Forum you will need to include some HTML coding in your message.

You should place the code in the approximate place you would like the picture to appear. For instance, if you wish the picture to appear after your text message, then your code would be the last thing you put in your message.

There are two ways you can share pictures on the Forum.

The first way is to provide a text link to the picture.

This will produce words in your message which can be clicked to take the reader to the picture in its original location. This method is the kinder way to do it, because it takes up less space on the actual Forum itself. If you would like to create a text link to something in your message, just cut and paste the code below into your message.

Remember to replace the sample information with the real information.

<a href="">Words you want to be clicked</a>

Here is an example of how you could link to the background picture at the MacWoW homepage:

<a href="">Click here to see the MacWoW Rose Background</a>

Important: Make sure that the last three letters in your filename are either jpg or gif.

The second way is to actually show the picture along with your message.

If you would like the picture to appear with your message, cut and paste the code below into your message. Remember to replace the sample information with the real information.

<img src="">

Important: Make sure that the last three letters in your filename are either jpg or gif.

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